Tuesday, December 28, 2010


Why does history teach us that ever since the birth of Man, evolution has been going ever forward and upward?
When you think about it, there is something very comforting, even if mind-numbing, about this idea. It resonates with your most cherished hope, with humanity’s most sought-after dream – eventual success. The idea that humanity has never failed over the centuries but has continued to live on through all difficulties inflicted upon it can give us a strong albeit false sense of security. No matter what comes in our way, we can live through it. Wars, diseases, natural calamities, cosmic winters, falling asteroids, nothing can erase humanity from the face of the Earth. It is no wonder this idea has gained such popularity and universal acceptance – who would dare question such a magnificent truth?
Well, given that we do not want to question it, we have done a great job so far ignoring all the traces of advanced civilizations that lived on Earth in the past. I am not going into details about ancient structures, monuments and artifacts that we have no explanation of; today it is easy to find information about all of them. But have you ever thought why we cannot properly place them in our well organized tale of humanity? Because they do not fit into the idea that at some point our ancestors appeared on Earth, at first barbarous and animalistic, gradually becoming more refined over the centuries and millennia until reaching the heyday of development – today.
Pyramids are but one of the many pieces of evidence that we are not the most advanced civilization that ever lived on Earth. Today is not the first time that humanity has reached technological heights. So what happened to those people back then, why aren’t they among us if they were so advanced, historians would argue. Fair enough. They are not among us because evolution is not an inevitable and ever unfolding process of development. Humanity has had its ups and downs and yes, it will continue to have them. We can get extinguished in the blink of an eye, like it has happened before. There were greater civilization that lived before us and they have left traces and signs for us. Why not finally recognize them and read them?

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